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Table 6 Worker vignette: training subsidy is perceived as just—odds ratio

From: Justice perceptions of occupational training subsidies: findings from a factorial survey


Model 1a

Model 1b

Model 2

Model 3

Fixed effects (FE) odds ratio

 1. Vignette features

Logit conditional FE

Logit mixed + RI

Logit mixed + RI

Logit mixed + RI/RS

  Male (else: female)

0.757 (0.097)

0.779 (0.085)

0.764* (0.084)

0.637* (0.120)

  Age (ref: 34 years old)

   46 years old

1.431* (0.219)

1.514*** (0.198)

1.556*** (0.204)

1.943** (0.440)

   58 years old

0.850 (0.127)

0.827 (0.109)

0.823 (0.108)

0.614* (0.138)

  Unemployed (else: no)

1.938*** (0.246)

2.168*** (0.253)

2.228*** (0.258)

4.747*** (1.543)

  Funding time (ref: 4 weeks)

   Funding for 6 months

0.850 (0.137)

0.748* (0.108)

0.756* (0.108)

0.590* (0.149)

   Funding for 2 years

0.405*** (0.062)

0.410*** (0.054)

0.418*** (0.055)

0.198*** (0.053)

  Job to 75% replaceable (else: no)

2.036*** (0.282)

1.985*** (0.254)

1.941*** (0.245)

2.341* (0.874)

  Continuous job (else: no)

3.407*** (0.432)

3.226*** (0.409)

3.321*** (0.422)

10.486*** (4.703)

 2. Personal characteristics

  Male (else: female)


1.472* (0.227)

2.142* (0.623)

  Age (ref: 50–64)

   Age 18–34


1.165 (0.234)

1.636 (0.596)

   Age 35–49


1.115 (0.197)

1.198 (0.377)

   Age 65–78


0.757 (0.312)

0.505 (0.370)

  Region (ref: Eastern States)

   German Southern States


0.954 (0.223)

0.907 (0.403)

   German Northern States


0.956 (0.223)

0.880 (0.371)

   German City States


1.309 (0.448)

1.373 (0.826)

  Education (ref: A-levels & vocational training)

   No education


0.644 (0.369)

0.336 (0.344)

   (Technical) College


1.262 (0.202)

1.546 (0.461)

  Monthly net household Euro income (ref: 2000–3000)

   Less than 1,000 Euro


1.020 (0.457)

1.201 (0.932)

   1000–1499 Euro


1.476 (0.598)

1.841 (1.325)

   1500–1999 Euro


1.194 (0.340)

1.493 (0.745)

   3000–3999 Euro


0.826 (0.186)

0.744 (0.298)

   4000–4999 Euro


0.731 (0.181)

0.647 (0.284)

   5000 Euro or more


0.504* (0.127)

0.358* (0.163)

   Income not specified


0.734 (0.241)