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Table 4 Relative frequency of WFH possibilities across ISCO groups

From: Who and how many can work from home? Evidence from task descriptions


Relative WFH frequency

Occupational group

MTurk (%)

Job ads (%)

Difference (%)


3. 9

3. 1

0. 8


67. 6

48. 0

19. 6

Technicians and associate professionals

13. 3

27. 2

 − 13.9

Clerical support workers

3. 5

9. 9

− 6.4

Service and sales workers

5. 8

9. 1

3. 3

Skilled agricultural. forestry and fishery workers

0. 0

0. 0

0. 0

Craft and related trades workers

5. 2

1. 2

4. 0

Plant and machine operators and assemblers

0. 5

1. 4

1. 0

Elementary Occupations

0. 2


0. 2