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Table 4 Scarring effects of unemployment with profile match as moderator (standard errors are displayed in parentheses)

From: How unemployment scarring affects skilled young workers: evidence from a factorial survey of Swiss recruiters


Model 3

Model 4

b (se)

b (se)

Unemployment (ref. no unemployment)

− 0.073*** (0.02)

− 0.010 (0.03)

Match in applicant’s profile and job requirements (ref. no match)

 Match in applicant’s profile and job requirements (occupation specificity and level)

0.593*** (0.06)


 Match in applicant’s profile and job requirements (only in occupation specificity)


0.508*** (0.10)

 Match in applicant’s profile and job requirements (only in level)


0.403*** (0.05)

Unemployment and match (ref. no unemployment and no match)

 Unemployment with match in applicant’s profile and job requirements (occupation specificity and level)

− 0.064+ (0.04)


 Unemployment with match in applicant’s profile and job requirements (only in occupation specificity)


− 0.100** (0.04)

 Unemployment with match in applicant’s profile and job requirements (only in level)


− 0.060+ (0.03)

Type of education—work trajectory (ref.: lower secondary education and occupation-specific low-skill job experience)

 Occupation-specific upper secondary education and occupation-specific middle-skill job experience

0.430*** (0.06)

0.514*** (0.05)

 Occupation-specific tertiary education and occupation-specific high-skill job experience

0.058 (0.07)

0.215*** (0.06)

 Lower secondary education and non-occupation-specific low-skill job experience

− 0.526*** (0.04)

− 0.113 (0.10)

 Non-occupation-specific upper secondary education and non-occupation-specific middle-skill job experience

− 0.455*** (0.04)

− 0.247* (0.10)

 Non-occupation-specific tertiary secondary education and non-occupation-specific high-skill job experience

− 0.406*** (0.04)

− 0.326** (0.11)

 Lower secondary education and call-centre job experience

− 0.428*** (0.04)

− 0.04 (0.10)

 Occupation-specific upper secondary education and call-centre job experience

− 0.127** (0.04)

0.083 (0.10)

 Occupation-specific tertiary education and call-centre job experience

− 0.073 (0.05)

0.006 (0.11)

Gender (ref. female)

0.007 (0.01)

0.006 (0.01)

Presentation order of the vignettes (ref. 3rd to 10th vignette)

− 0.056** (0.02)

− 0.056** (0.02)


1.176*** (0.07)

0.716*** (0.12)










  1. The coefficients are log-transformed vignette ratings and can be interpreted as approximate changes in the percentage points of recruiters’ ratings with a unit change of the independent variable
  2. + p < 0.10, * p< 0.05, ** p< 0.01, *** p< 0.001