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Table 3 Assignment of activities to task classification scheme

From: Why to employ both migrants and natives? A study on task-specific substitutabilityWarum gleichzeitig Migranten und Einheimische beschäftigen? Eine Untersuchung der Aufgaben-spezifischen Substituierbarkeit

Task classification


Non-routine analytic

Researching/analysing/evaluating and planning, making plans/constructions/designing and sketching, working out rules/prescriptions, using and interpreting rules

Non-routine interactive

Negotiating/lobbying/coordinating/organising, teaching/training, selling/buying/advising customers/advertising, entertaining/presenting, employ/manage personnel

Routine cognitive

Calculating/bookkeeping, correcting of texts/data, measuring of length/weight/temperature

Routine manual

Operating/controlling machines, equipping machines

Non-routine manual

Repairing/renovation of houses/apartments/machines/vehicles, restoring art/monuments, serving or accommodating

  1. Note: Overview of how activities asked for in the Qualification and Career Survey are grouped into the task categories
  2. Source: Black and Spitz-Oener (2007), p. 30