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Table 8 Operationalization of criterion variables

From: Changes in workplace tasks in Germany—evaluating skill and task measuresWandel der Tätigkeiten am Arbeitsplatz in Deutschland – Analysen von Skill und Task-Maßen




Work standing up (not in 91/2); Work sitting down; Carry heavy stocks; Working being exposed to smoke, dust, gases, vapors; Working being exposed to coldness, heat, wet, dampness, draft; Working with oil, dirtiness, mud (not in 79); Working crouched down, kneed, reclined, overarm; Working being exposed to strong tremor, crushes, vibrations (not in 91/2, 79); Working being exposed to dazzling light, or poor visibility / bad lightening (not in 91/2, 79; Working being exposed to hazardous substances, radiance (not in 79); Working being exposed to noisiness


Work is stipulated in the minutest details; One and the same work cycle / process is repeating in the minutest details; You are confronted with new problems that remain to be understood / familiarized with; Your tasks include process optimization or trying out new things;


Computer skills in application software;