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Table 5 Rotated factor loadings and unique variances. Highest loadings of each variable highlighted

From: Changes in workplace tasks in Germany—evaluating skill and task measuresWandel der Tätigkeiten am Arbeitsplatz in Deutschland – Analysen von Skill und Task-Maßen

  1. Notes: aUniqueness. bPercentage share of total shared variance explained by each factor (upper row) and cumulated share (lower row). cDue to the data’s structure reported measures for α were calculated for each cross-section and apply to 2 to 6 variables. Sample is restricted to people from the western part of Germany belonging to the labor force (defined as having a paid work) aged 15 to 65 with a regular working time of at least ten hours per week. Source: BIBB/IAB—BIBB/BAuA Employment Surveys 1979–2006, weighted values, own calculations. N=118,105