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Table 10 Physical interaction index component definitions.

From: Lockdown stringency and employment formality: evidence from the COVID-19 pandemic in South Africa



Scoring method


Physical proximity (\({P}_{o}\))

1. I don't work near other people (beyond 100 ft.)

O*NET spreads 100 points across five levels per occupation. Our approach multiplies points by their category level and sums to get a score. We sum points in categories 3–5 only to reach a score out of 500 (the maximum feasible score). We rescale this to vary [0; 1]


2. I work with others but not closely (e.g., private office)

3. Slightly close (e.g., shared office)

4. Moderately close (at arm's length)

5. Very close (near touching)

Face-to-face discussions (\({F}_{o}\))

1. Never

O*NET spreads 100 points across five levels per occupation. Our approach multiplies points by their category level and sums to get a score. We sum points in categories 4–5 only to reach a score out of 500 (the maximum feasible score). We rescale this to vary [0; 1]

2. Once a year or more but not every month

3. Once a month or more but not every week

4. Once a week or more but not every day

5. Every day

Public transport (\({T}_{o}\))

Ever used any type of public transport to travel to work on a given day

Share per occupation. Varies [0, 1]

StatsSA Time Use Survey 2010

Private transport is defined as walking, cycling, or private vehicle

Public transport is defined as bus, taxi, train, or other transport

  1. This table presents a description of the three components of our occupation-level Physical Interaction index \({\mathrm{PI}}_{\mathrm{o}}\) created using data from the Occupational Information Network (O*NET) and StatsSA’s latest Time Use Survey conducted in 2010