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Table 1 Description of focal SIG variables.

From: New administrative data on welfare dynamics in Germany: the Sample of Integrated Welfare Benefit Biographies (SIG)


Number of observations (Mio)


Unit of measurement: Individual

 Employment status


Allows to differentiate between different groups of employees, e.g. regular workers liable to social security (> 60% of all employment observations), marginal workers and trainees

 Job search status


Allows differentiating between different groups of registered job seekers, mainly between unemployed and employed job seekers

 Ability to work


If someone is at least 15 years old, has not yet reached retirement age, and is able to work for at least 3 h per day

 Daily wage


Daily wages from dependent employment (i.e. no self-employment)

 Start date left-censored unemployment spell (1997–2006)


Since the SIG starts January 1, 2007, the dataset also entails several “handover” variables that provide information on how long a certain state already lasts at this date

 Start date left-censored job search spell (1997–2006)


 Days since last employment (1993–2006)


This variable indicates the amount of time elapsed since the end of the last registered employment episode of a person (up to 1 January 2007)

Unit of measurement: Benefit unit

 Type of benefit unit


Allows to differentiate between several types, e.g. between singles and couples (each with and without children)

 Pecuniary claim from long-term UB (ALG II)


Available on the benefit unit level and on a monthly basis via a separate file

 Total amount of sanctions


  1. For a better overview, instead of the number of actual spells as available in the data, we here report observation numbers that are limited to one observation per year and person or benefit unit. The actual spell numbers are therefore always significantly higher