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Table 1 Recent changes in labor market policies affecting older workers and public pension regulations in Germany

From: The labor market for older workers in GermanyDer Arbeitsmarkt für ältere Arbeitnehmer in Deutschland

Unemployment compensation


Lower duration of unemployment benefit I (UB I) for older workers (from a maximum of 32 months to a maximum of 18 months) and tightening of entitlement criteria regarding an individual’s previous employment record; became first effective in 2006


Integration of social assistance and unemployment assistance into the new means-tested unemployment benefit II which replaces social assistance for all “employable” people


Longer duration of unemployment benefits for older workers (from a maximum of 18 months to a maximum of 24 months)

Special labor market programs for older workers


In-work benefits (Entgeltsicherung) to unemployed people aged 50 years and older who are entitled to UB I


Reduced social security contributions on “marginal” employment (“mini-” and “midi-jobs”)


Temporary wage subsidies (Eingliederungszuschuss) to firms employing people with severe placement difficulties including old age; integration of special subsidy for older workers into general temporary wage subsidy for “hard-to-place” people


Re-introduction of a special subsidy for unemployed people aged 50 years and older and introduction of a wage-subsidy voucher for older people

Reforms of public pension regulations


Introduction of deduction factors for early retirement (0.3% per month before the legal retirement age), fully phased in by 1999 for young birth cohorts


Lengthening of regulation which imply that unemployed being 58 or older have not to be at the disposal of unemployment agencies and are not counted as unemployed (until 2000)


Raising of retirement age for long-term insured from 63 to 65 years (stepwise 2000 until 2001)

and for women from 60 to 65 years (stepwise 2000 until 2004)


Raising of retirement age for disabled (stepwise beginning in 2000)


Lengthening of regulation which imply that unemployed being 58 or older have not to be at the disposal of unemployed agencies and are not counted as unemployed (until 2005)


Reform of pensions for persons who are not capable for work

Introduction of subsidy of a supplementary capital-based private pension (“Riesterrente”)


Lengthening of regulation which imply that unemployed being 58 or older have not to be at the disposal of unemployed agencies and are not counted as unemployed (until 2007)


Raising of general retirement age from 65 to 67 years (stepwise from 2012 until 2029)


End of public subsidies for partial retirement schemes


Early retirement at 63 for long-term insured people without pension deductions

  1. Notes: The dates refer to the year the respective regulations became law, parentheses contain the phasing-in periods of reforms, for more details see text
  2. Source: Adapted from Dietz and Walwei (2011)