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Table 1 The simplified model of calculating the components of the IAB Working Time Measurement Concept and how they add up to the total volume of work

From: Measuring hours worked in Germany – Contents, data and methodological essentials of the IAB working time measurement conceptDie Berechnung der geleisteten Arbeitsstunden in Deutschland – Inhalte, Daten und methodische Grundlagen der IAB Arbeitszeitrechnung

Calculations for employees

Component of volume of work


Collectively agreed/customary volume of work

Daily working hours (wh) * working days in period (wd) * number of employees (E)

− Volume of paid holidays

Paid holidays * wh * E

− Volume of sick leave

(Adjusted) sick leave in % * wd * wh * E

+ Volume of paid overtime

Daily paid overtime * wd * E

+ Volume of unpaid overtime

Daily unpaid overtime * wd * E

± Volume of flows on working-time accounts

Daily transitory overtime * wd * E

− Volume of short-time work

Short-time worker * percentage loss of working hours per short-time worker * working hours in period (adjusted for sick leave)

− Volume of bad weather (until 2006)

Affected employees * number of lost hours

− Volume of strikes and lock-outs

Lost days by strikes and lock-outs * wh

± Volume of adjustments for differences in the calendar

(1) Long term working hours (ltwh) = (long-term working days/working days in period) * coll. agreed/customary working hours in period (cwh)

(2) − (cwh − ltwh) * (inverse) working-days-elasticities * E

+ Volume of secondary jobs

Persons with secondary jobs * working hours in secondary jobs in period

= Volume of work of employees (\(H_{E}\))

Calculations for self-employed and family workers

Component of volume of work


Normally worked volume of work

Daily working hours (whs) * working days of self-employed and family workers (wds) * self-employed and family workers (S)

− Volume of holidays

Holidays * whs * S

− Volume of sick leave

Sick leave in % * whs * wds * S

+ Volume of secondary jobs

Persons with secondary self-employed jobs * working hours in secondary jobs in period

= Volume of work of self-employed and family workers (\(H_{S}\))