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Table 2 Unexplained gender pay gaps obtained from separate Oaxaca–Blinder decompositions for workers employed by manager-run and owner-run plants (whole sample; in log points)

From: Firm leadership and the gender pay gap: do active owners discriminate more than hired managers?





West Germany

19.0 (1.1)

28.7 (1.3)

16.4 (1.1)




East Germany

17.9 (1.2)

24.3 (2.0)

14.3 (1.3)




  1. Notes: The data set used is the LIAB cross-sectional model for the year 2007. Standard errors clustered at the plant level are given in parentheses followed from 95 per cent confidence intervals. Control variables included are: experience, experience squared, tenure, tenure squared, six education dummies, nine occupation dummies, a dummy for non-German nationality, log establishment size, dummies for works council existence, a collective agreement at firm (sector) level, exporting activity, foreign ownership, plant location in a rural area, new production technology, the shares of women and qualified workers in the plant’s workplace, and eight sector dummies