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Table 3 Asylum seeker and parental years of schooling relative to country of origin (# obs.; %)

From: The human capital selection of young males seeking asylum in Germany


\(S_{i} \ge S_{o}\)

\(S_{i} < S_{o}\)

Total (row)

\(S_{i}^{P} \ge S_{o}^{P}\)

90; 44%;

19; 9%

109; 54%

\(S_{i}^{P} < S_{o}^{P}\)

46; 23%

48; 24%

94; 46%

Total (column)

136; 67%

67; 33%

203; 100%

  1. Source: ‘Real-world Laboratory Survey among Asylum Seekers’ for data on individual and parental human capital. Average years of schooling for home countries have been calculated based on Barro and Lee (2013). \(S_{i}\) corresponds to individual years of schooling of the asylum seeker, while \(S_{i}^{P}\) refers to the maximum years of schooling of the parents.\(S_{o}\) and \(S_{o}^{P}\) refer to the average years of schooling of persons in the same age-group in the country of origin for asylum seekers and their parents, respectively