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Table 8 Categorization of task items to ALM task groups for 2006 cross-sectional analysis

From: Educational (Mis)match and skill utilization in Germany: Assessing the role of worker and job characteristicsQualifikatorisches (Mis)matching und die Ausnutzung von fachlichen Kenntnissen und Fähigkeiten von Erwerbstätigen in Deutschland: Zur Bedeutung von Personen- und Arbeitsplatzmerkmalen

Task group

Typical level of qualification

Assumed labor market demand

Item in BIBB/BauA 2006

Non-routine cognitive, analytical



F310, F311, F313, F318

Non-routine cognitive, interactive



F312, F314

Routine cognitive



F307, F308

Routine manual



F303, F304, F305, F306

Non-routine manual



F315, F316, F317

  1. Alignments are initially based on a principal component analysis solution (for the study of task change in Germany over the period 1979 to 2006 see Rohrbach-Schmidt and Tiemann 2011). The variables of the first of the four factors are subsequently aligned to the analytical and interactive sub-categories, respectively. Items F309 and F319a are not included in the index because of their high loadings on more than one factor. The question posed in 2006 was ‘how often do the following activities (random order) occur at work - frequently, sometimes, never’. The index is the worker’s sum of point values (2006: frequently = 1, sometimes = 0.5, never = 0; divided by the total number of activities in the respective task group